Settling In

Cay and I went for a walk and did outdoor chores this morning. She doesn’t want to eat her dry food now. I think she got spoiled by the canned food with the panacure powder that she had last night! This morning she ate about half of the dry food, then I put it away so that Bandit would quit trying to get it from her crate.

Cay wants lots of petting and snuggles from me these days, even with me crawling halfway into her crate.Now she is curled up and snoring, with Chase sleeping on the dog bed next to her and Bandit sleeping in the bedroom.

This evening I was outside with Bandit and Chase. Chase was excited and was barking about playing ball. I heard some barks from within the house. Cayenne found her voice for the first time here!

Cay’s back end is put together funny. Her back legs seem longer than her front legs and appear rubbery, with hocks that can hyperextend. I haven’t seen her run yet, but have seen her trot. She seems to move like a moose—gangly and not all going in the same direction. She looks lovable like a cartoon character though. She is very sweet. She has these deep brown eyes that look right into you.

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