With the financial situation in this country, people losing their jobs and homes, many animals are also losing their homes when their families can’t afford to keep them. In the past few months, I’ve been bombarded with requests to find new homes for dogs. It is truly heartbreaking.
I’ve been talking with people at the Minnesota Valley Humane Society and at All Breed Obedience about what we can do to help in our communities. This was one of the main topics of my MVHS Mardi Gras speech on February 21st (audio clips available here soon). All Breed Obedience just announced a pet food drive through the month of April. Anyone who donates 8 lb or more of dry dog food, 4 lb or more of dry cat food, or one case of canned food for either dogs or cats will receive a certificate for $5 towards any class at All Breed Obedience in Woodbury, Minnesota (where we train). The pet food will be distributed at local food shelves. When families in need pick up food for themselves, they will also be able to pick up food for their pets.
Perhaps you can start a pet food drive in your community or at your workplace, or donate pet food to your local food shelf and encourage your friends to donate pet food too. Maybe you can offer to foster a pet for a family that’s in transition, so that they can stay together in the long run. Foster homes are badly needed now. If you have other ideas about how to help our friends and neighbors keep their beloved pets, please post them here.
Posted on March 6th, 2009 Filed under: General, Need a Home
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