Cay’s 1st Birthday

The daisies are blooming this week, a whole field full of them out in front of the house.

According to the records from Tennessee, today is Cayenne’s 1st birthday. I don’t know if this was an estimate, or if Deb who rescued the puppies actually knows. I’ll have to ask her. This kind of snuck up on me, although I had noticed it before, so I didn’t make any big plans. Playing outside and running around is probably what Cay would want most though. It’s a nice day and we’ve been outside a lot. What a long way Cay has come since arriving at our house. She is much more confident and is having much more fun!

At dusk, a doe with tiny fawn walked across our front yard… Bandit and Chase saw them and barked like crazy. Cay didn’t see them and ran back and forth between Bandit and Chase, wondering what they were so excited about…The fawn looked brand new.

It’s a gorgeous night, clear with a half moon and plenty of stars! I saw my first firefly of the summer tonight, probably because it’s the first night I can remember that it hasn’t been raining.

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